What would be the benefits of using a Speed Clamp?
Adam from Guildford
A question I’ve had from Adam in Gilford, he’d been looking for a new clamp that he could use for multiple, different types of clamping arrangements when doing DIY gluing, nailing, drilling, screwing and came across a ratchet action speed clamp and was unsure of the benefits of it.
Well Adam, it’s quite easy. These are one of the most useful clamps you can buy and have in your took kit. There’s a simple red button here, ready for your index finger. Press that. It immediately spreads from that width down to there and when you wish to tighten it, you literally use it like that or you can use it this way around to clamp two bits of wood as quickly as this. If you had a second one, you could then drill, screw, glue, until it dries, press the button and there you have it.
One of the benefits of this one is that on here, on the fixed end, you have a little butterfly nut, you can actually reverse this, put it on the other end of the clamp, put the screw back in – and now, if you wish to glue something and spread it out, (imagine a door frame with one of the larger clamps. It could be a cat-flap, it could be a rabbit hutch, bird box). What you can now do is actually use this to actually spread out and hold something whilst it glues or while you need to drill through it. Multi-purpose, very useful.
If you have any other questions, head over to amtechdiy.com and you can ask anything there.